Skip to content Features
- VUE 3 with Typescript.
- Vite used as dev server and bundler.
- Vitepress used for documentation.
- Automatic responsiveness with breakpoints configuration.
- GridItem Border Radius.
- GridLayout Edit Mode.
- Horizontal Shift.
- Close button in GridItem.
- New Test application, styled with mini.css.
- Cursor styling.
- Fixed mirrored layout so only the GridItems are rearranged.
- Draggable widgets.
- Resizable widgets.
- Static widgets.
- Bounds checking for dragging and resizing.
- Widgets may be added or removed without rebuilding grid.
- Layout can be serialized and restored.
- Responsive with predefined Layouts.
- Grid items are distributed evenly.
- Grid item is resizable from right, bottom right and bottom.